Movie: 24 City (2008)
Film Synopsis:
Paratroopers Captain RIP Murdock and Sergeant Johnny Drake are mysteriously ordered to travel to Washington, DC. When Drake learned that he would be awarded the Medal of Honor, he disappeared before newspaper photographers could take his photo. Murdock follows the clues and tracks him down, where he learns Drake is dead. Further investigation revealed an unexpected twist. RIP learns that Johnny has been accused of murder and sets out to find out whatever he can. She falls in love with the coral that her husband Johnny supposedly killed. Uploaded by: Freeman March 10, 2018 at 09:29 pm
Cast: Humphrey Bogart as Capt. Rip Murdock Lizabeth Scott as Dusty Chandler Marvin Miller as Krause William Prince as Sgt. Johnny Drake
Year: 1946
Genre: Crime/Drama
Rating: 7.1 / 10