Movie: A Couch in New York (1996)
Film Synopsis:
Henry Harriston is a successful psychoanalyst in New York City. As he approached a nervous breakdown, he arranged to change flats with Frenchman Beatrice Saulnier for a while. The two do not know each other and both find themselves deeply involved in the others social settings, as the decision to change their flat is made overnight. Could have been perfect entertainment, but suddenly Henry finds himself beaten by Beatrices lover and Beatrice is considered as a replacement for Dr. Harriston by his client ... uploaded by: Freeman August 02, 2022 at 12:56 am
Cast: William Hurt as Henry Harriston Juliette Binoche as Beatrice Saulnier Richard Jenkins as Campton Adam LeFevre as Restaurant Patron
Year: 1996
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 5.9 / 10