Komunitas Film Join
Movie: A Star Is Born (1976)
Film Synopsis:
Drunken, Has-Been rock star John Norman Howard falls in love with unknown singer, Esther Hoffman, after seeing her perform at a club. He let her sing a few songs on one of his shows and she became the talk of the music industry. Esthers star began to rise, while Johns continued to fall. He tries desperately to get John to sober up and focus on his music, but it may be too late to save him. Uploaded by: Freeman December 09, 2020 at 09:19 pm
Cast: Robert Englund as Marty Kris Kristofferson as John Norman Howard Gary Busey as Bobby Ritchie Barbra Streisand as Esther Hoffman
Year: 1976< br />Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.1 / 10
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