Movie: All My Life (2020)
Film Synopsis:
This is a chance meeting initiated by one of Sols friends who tries to chat with Jennifer. However, in the end, they both scored. Sol enjoyed Jens smile, her efforts, and how silly she was. Jen enjoys Sols cooking, his athleticism, and that he will join her in good times. As you can imagine, love blooms, and things get serious. Jens investment in SOL led to her encouraging him to follow his dreams and even move to save money. Sol invests in Jen well, it makes her propose. But what started as a liver tumor grew into full-blown cancer, so with a diagnosis of 6 months to live, Sol and Jennifer tried to make the best of it. Uploaded by: Freeman February 18, 2021 at 05:33 am
Cast: Jessica Rothe as Jennifer Carter Kyle Allen as Kyle Molly Hagan as Hope Ever Carradine as Gigi
Year: 2020
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.3 / 10