Movie: Banana Joe (1982)
Film Synopsis:
Bud Spencer plays Banana Joe, a gruff but friendly man who lives in a small rainforest village called Amantido with a large number of his own children and regularly provides bananas to South American river ports (hence the name). One day, henchmen of a local gangster boss named Torsillo came ashore in Amantido to begin construction of a banana processing factory. Of course, Joe (in typical straight-forward fashion) drives off the thugs, who immediately return to their boss. Torsillo finds out that Joe is trading bananas without a license and decides to exploit him. After another delivery, Joe is arrested by the police and given the choice of obtaining a legal license or having his ship taken away and himself arrested for illegal shipping. Joe travels to a nearby town, which for him is a new world, as he grew up in the rainforest. Uploaded by: Freeman August 04, 2023 at 05:07 am
Cast: Bud Spencer as Banana Joe
Year: 1982
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.3 / 10