Movie: Beauty and the Devil (1950)
Film Synopsis:
Henri Faust, retiring after 50 years as a professor at a French university around 1700, despairs over the ravages of old age...where Mephistopheles, Lucifers agent , appears as a virile, handsome young man and swaps bodies with him to induce Faust to sign a pact to exchange his soul for new youth, wealth, and power. But although the "new" Faust is attracted by the material improvements in his life, he remains wary of signing, while Mephistopheles, now disguised as the old professor whose body he inhabits, must find a way to trick him into signing the Pact - and deprive him of the love of a gypsy girl who prays for his soul - or finds himself cursed by his own master... Uploaded by: Freeman February 09, 2022 at 05:05
Year: 1950
Genre: Action /Comedy
Rating: 7.4 / 10