Movie: Blue World Order (2017)
Film Synopsis:
After a nuclear war destroys the northern hemisphere, the surviving populations of the south become desperate and ruthlessly compete for scarce resources. Society is crumbling and an infectious bacteria threatens to destroy those who remain. In an effort to rebuild civilization, the self-appointed government calls the order of distributing immunizations to bacteria, via massive electro-magnetic pulses (EMP). Secretly, the Order also gave the virus bio-tech via EMP, giving them the power to control the population. One person remains immune to the orders viruses - Jake Slater. Now Jake scavenges the desert looking for a way to keep his unconscious daughter alive, unaware that she is the last child on earth, and the key to humanitys survival. Uploaded by: Freeman June 16, 2019 at 11:08 am
Cast: Billy Zane as Master Crane Bruce Spence as Whippett Jake Ryan as Jake Slater Emily De Margheriti as Guard
Year: 2017
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 4.6 / 10