Komunitas Film Join

Movie: Body (2011)
Film Synopsis:
Leyla and her boyfriend Yilmaz have been in the pornographic film sector for 25 years in Germany. Some time ago, they moved to Istanbul and Yilmaz left him for another woman. Even though they are separated, Yilmaz comes up with a last minute request: one last film where Leyla meets Izzets handsome but quite traumatic 20-year-old character. The age difference between Leyla and Izzet, the unresolved problems of Izzets fat mother and sister, Yilmazs passion for his work and the results all crash into each other in unexpected ways. Uploaded by: Freeman April 01, 2023 at 01:19 am
Year: 2011
Genre: Drama/
Rating: 5.5 / 10
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