Komunitas Film Join
Movie: Care Bears Movie II A New Generation (1986)
Film Synopsis:
This animated adventure goes back in time to the Bears first attention mission, when a true heart and a noble horse landed on earth to raise the spirits of some unhappy kid at summer camp. But the evil dark heart had other plans, and convinced one of the campers to help him catch the care bear. Will our lovable hero care enough to stare enough to vanquish the villain - and convince his apprentice that good is the way to go? Uploaded by: Freeman January 30, 2020 at 02:14 PM
Cast: Cree Summer as Christy Billie Mae Richards as Tender Heart Bear Scott Menville as Childrens Mary Kay Bergman as Childrens
Year: 1986< br />Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 5.4 / 10
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