Movie: Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking (2010)
Film Synopsis:
"Wishful Drinking" is based on Fishers memoir of the same title. The stage adaptation had its world premiere in 2006 at the Geffen Playhouse in L.A. which then played at the Berkeley Repertory before opening on Broadway in October at Studio 54. The show took audiences on a comic tour of Fishers messy personal life and career. The writer-actress tells stories about her work on the "Star Wars" series as well as her relationship with her parents Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. He also discussed his much-publicized problems with alcohol and drugs. Uploaded by: Freeman June 17, 2021 at 06:54 am
Cast: Meryl Streep as Suzanne Vale Harrison Ford as Self Mark Hamill as Self Carrie Fisher as Self
Year: 2010
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 7.4 / 10