Komunitas Film Join
Movie: Circle of Iron (1978)
Film Synopsis:
In a mystical desert kingdom, a young martial arts rope fighter loses a contest to determine who will go on a journey to retrieve the powerful book of All Knowedge from Zetan , an evil wizard. Despite his lack of sponsors, Cords rule-breaking nature leads him to try to retrieve the book. Help is offered by a mysterious blind man who provides advice as Cable fights his way through numerous opponents, discovering more about himself as he gets closer to Zetan. Uploaded by: Freeman June 01, 2016 at 11:06 pm
Cast: Christopher Lee as Zetan Roddy McDowall as White Robe David Carradine as The Blind Man / Monkeyman / Death / Changsha Eli Wallach as Man-in- Oil
Year: 1978
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 5.7 / 10
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