Movie: Cold Dog Soup (1990)
Film Synopsis:
Randy Quaid as a taxi driver pushes Zen Parables (is time money - is time the root of all evil?) into his passengers/protégés on a high-speed tour and the idiosyncrasy of their citys ethnic pottery. All the boy wants is to throw away his dates dead dog Jasper and return to a babe so hot he mutters darkly about being a pressure cooker: his conventional efforts are continually thwarted. Quaid is respected by the oddball groups who appeal to his interest in corpses and dog effects, and our lone hero is much sharper on him than on a rather shady date. Uploaded by: Freeman April 27, 2020 at 03:13 am
Cast: Randy Quaid as Jack Cloud Raymond Cruz as Gang Member Dante Basco as Chinese Boy Raphael Sbarge as Guy in Park with Dog
Year : 1990
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 5.6 / 10