Komunitas Film Join

Movie: Cosmoball (2020)

Film Synopsis:
Cosmoball is an enchanting intergalactic game set in the future played between humans and aliens on giant space ships floating in the skies above the earth. A young man with immense powers of unknown nature joins a team of hot superheroes in exchange for a cure for his mothers terminal illness. Four from Earth will fight not only to defend the honor of their home planet in a spectacular game, but also face unprecedented threats to the galaxy and embrace their own destiny. Uploaded by: Freeman January 21, 2021 at 02:32 PM

Cast: Marta Timofeeva as Devochka s respiratorom
Year: 2020
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Rating: 4.7 / 10

Download File: Cosmoball (2020) [720p] [BluRay] [MX].torrent

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