Movie: Curse of the Undead (1959)
Film Synopsis:
A mysterious epidemic has struck an old western frontier town and young girls have fallen ill. Doc Carter, his beautiful daughter Dolores, and preacher Dan Young have their hands full for the weaklings. When one of the patients dies unexpectedly, Dan notices two stab wounds on his neck. His investigation leads him to the strange gunman Drake Robey, who always seems to be slower on the draw than his opponents, but who - despite being outmatched, and even shot - always manages to survive these deadly encounters. Dan soon discovers that Drake also has an aversion to crosses, sleeps in a coffin, and cant tolerate sunlight... uploaded by: Freeman July 18, 2021 at 03:12
Cast: Edward Binns as Sheriff Amzie Strickland as Franks Wife Henry Darrow as Roberto Robles Michael Pate as Drake Robey
Year: 1959
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 5.9 / 10