Movie: Deadball (2011)
Film Synopsis:
Baseball prodigy Jubeh Yakyu is the most feared and dangerous teenage delinquent in all of Japan. After accidentally causing his fathers death with a highly powered, deadly field of fire, Jubeh swore off baseball and became an outlaw and now, at the age of 17, has been sent to Pterodactyls juvenile reformatory for hardened criminals. Principal Ishihara, the grandson of a World War II Nazi collaborator, runs the institution with an iron fist and the enthusiastic assistance of his sadistic assistant, ILSA. After arriving in hell, Jubeh soon learned from Governor Mifune that his long lost younger brother Musashi had also done time there after the assassination, but had since died mysteriously... uploaded by: Freeman June 01, 2020 at 08:00: 54 nights
Cast: Masayoshi Haneda as
Year: 2011
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 5.2 / 10