Movie: Deep Dark Canyon (2013)
Film Synopsis:
Bloom Towne is a small town sheriff under the thumb of Mayor Dick Cavanaughs well-established and very influential family. When Blooms two teenage sons, Nate and Skylar accidentally shoot and kill Dick during a deer hunt, Blooms long-standing loyalty to the powerful Cavanaugh clan is tested. Skylar (still a minor) decides to take the wraps for her older brother Nate, claiming he fired the fatal shot. The Cavanaugh familys swift retaliation sent Skylar on her way to county jail, immediately tried as an adult. Desperate and guilty, Nate breaks Skylar out of prison and sets off a chain of lawless actions, which sends them deep into the woods and on the run. Blooms choice between the law and her sons leads to the revelation of an old family secret that threatens to destroy everything she loves. Uploaded by: Otto October 21, 2013 at 02:09 am
Cast: Matthew Lillard as Jack Cavanaugh Justine Bateman as Cheryl Cavanaugh Ted Levine as Bloom Towne Abraham Benrubi as Michael Spencer
Year: 2013< br />Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 5.0 / 10