Movie: Elsa and Fred (2014)
Film Synopsis:
After his daughter persuades him to move into a new apartment, aged widower Fred displays friendship with his eccentric 74-year-old neighbor, Elsa, who assures him that there is no its too late to continue enjoying life. Although she seems resigned to a miserable existence in a miserable bed, Fred embraces Elsas youthful enthusiasm as he introduces her to the way of life and regales her with strange stories about her past life. But when he discovers Elsas serious illness, Fred decides to accompany her on her dream journey to the eternal city of Rome to help her fulfill a lifelong ambition. Uploaded by: Otto December 29, 2015 at 01:26
Cast: Marcia Gay Harden as Lydia Barcroft Scott Bakula as Raymond Hayes Shirley MacLaine as Elsa Hayes James Brolin as Max Hayes
Year: 2014< br />Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.5 / 10