Movie: Fading of the Cries (2008)
Film Synopsis:
Jacob, a young man armed with a deadly sword, saves Sarah, a teenage girl, from Mathias, an evil evil that has begun to plague a farmland town little while looking for an ancient necklace that belonged to Sarahs uncle. Jacob sets out to return home safely, running through streets, fields, churches, and underground tunnels, while being chased by hordes of demonic creatures. Along the way, both come to terms with their own inner demons - Sarah begins to understand her hatred of her mother and sister may be unjustified and Jacob discovers the secrets of his past, realizing the only way to truly defeat his demons is to return to the Place where his family was murdered . Uploaded by: Freeman October 17, 2021 at 12:15 am
Cast: Brad Dourif as Mathias Thomas Ian Nicholas as Michael Elaine Hendrix as Maggie Hallee Hirsh as Sarah
Year: 2008
Genre: Action/Fantasy
Rating: 3.0 / 10