Movie: Fateless (2005)
Film Synopsis:
A young Hungarian man comes of age in Buchenwald during World War II. Gyorgy Koves is 14 years old, the son of a trader who was sent to a forced labor camp. After his fathers departure, Gyorgy found work at a brickworks; The bus was stopped and its Jewish occupants were sent to camps. There, Gyorgy encounters friendship, suffering, cruelty, disease, and death. He heard advice about maintaining ones dignity and self-respect. He found hatred. If he survives and returns to Budapest, what will he find? What is natural; What is a Jew? Sepia, black and white, and color alternate to shade the mood. Uploaded by: Freeman November 20, 2021 at 09:14 am
Cast: Daniel Craig as Amerikai õrmester Mate Haumann as SS katona
Year: 2005
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 7.0 / 10