Movie: Fire City End of Days (2015)
Film Synopsis:
Vine, a disillusioned demon, is forced to choose between saving his brothers or an innocent human girl. Satan has lived secretly among humans for centuries. It was a fragile balance that had now been shattered when their source of life was destroyed. The demon population must rise up and take all necessary steps to survive or the species will cease to exist. The battle for Earth has begun. Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in a world of humans afflicted by their misery. Forced to choose whether to save his brothers or an innocent human girl, the delicate balance between human and demon kind is threatened, which could result in war. Uploaded by: Freeman August 16, 2023 at 22:38
Cast: Tobias Jelinek as Atum Vine Harry Shum Jr. as Frank Danielle Chuchran as Demon Cornelia Eric Edwards as Ford
Year: 2015
Genre: Fantasy/Horror
Rating: 4.8 / 10