Movie: Flying Phantom Ship (1969)
Film Synopsis:
Hayatos hometown is under attack from giant robots. His parents lay dead in the rubble and his only remaining friend was his dog. His only thought now is revenge against the owner of the ship Phantom (from which the robot says he was sent). He ends up in the house of Kuroshio, the leader of the war against the ghost ships and the most important person in the city. By complete accident, Hayato finds his way to an underground passage where he realizes that the true nature of events does not match what Kuroshio told him. His life is now in grave danger, and only he can stop the villains plans. Uploaded by: Freeman June 21, 2023 at 07:50
Cast: Masako Nozawa as Hayato Patrick Seitz as The Phantom Ship Captain Frank Todaro as Mr. Arashiyama Kellen Goff as Jack
Year: 1969
Genre: Adventure/Animation
Rating: 6.8 / 10