Movie: Golden Door (2006)
Film Synopsis:
The story is set in the early 20th century in Sicily. Salvatore, a very poor farmer, and a widower, decides to emigrate to the US with his entire family, including his mother. Before they start, they meet Lucy. She was supposed to be an Englishwoman and wanted to return to the states. Lucy, or Luce as Salvatore calls her, for unknown reasons wants to marry someone before arriving at Ellis Island in New York. Salvatore accepted the proposal. Once they arrived at Ellis Island, they spent a quarantine period trying to pass a test to be accepted into the state. The test was not so simple for the poor farmer who came from Sicily. Their fate is in the hands of traditional officials. Uploaded by: Freeman February 25, 2021 at 04:57 pm
Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg as Lucy Reed Vincent Schiavelli as Marriage Broker - on board ship
Year: 2006
Genre: Action /Drama
Rating: 6.8 / 10