Movie: Guns for San Sebastian (1968)
Film Synopsis:
Leon Alastray is a criminal who has been given shelter by Father John, which he then takes to the village of San Sebastian. The village was deserted, with its cowardly inhabitants hiding in the hills from the Indians, who regularly attacked the village and stole all their supplies. When Father John is murdered, the villagers mistakenly think that the criminal is the priest. Alastray at first tells them that he is not a priest, but they do not believe it, and an apparent miracle seems to prove them right. Ultimately, he helps them regain their confidence and stand up for themselves. Uploaded by: Freeman June 16, 2021 at 11:35 pm
Cast: Charles Bronson as Teclo Paul Frees as Voice Anthony Quinn as Leon Alastray Leon Askin as Vicar General
Year: 1968
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 6.6 / 10