Movie: Ice Blues (2008)
Film Synopsis:
This new installment in Donald Stracheys popular and highly acclaimed Mystery series finds Americas favorite gay private investigator, Donald Strachey (Chad Allen), taking on his most complicated case in his career. After his longtime partner, Tim (Sebastian Spence), asks him to uncover the source of an anonymous and generous donation to the Albany Youth Center, he is caught in a whirlwind of deception and danger. When the lawyer presenting the donation turns up dead, the hard-boiled Strachey must race against time to catch the killer before he strikes again. "Uploaded by: Freeman August 22, 2020 at 11:00 am
Cast: Sebastien Roberts as Frank Zaillian Brittney Wilson as Lilah Chad Allen as Donald Strachey Adrian Holmes as Somerville
Year: 2008
Genre: Crime/Drama
Rating: 6.4 / 10