Movie: Ironclad (2011)
Film Synopsis:
In 1215, the Rebel Barons of England forced the hated King John to place his royal seal on the Magna Carta, a seminal document upholding the rights of the people. free. But within months of pledging himself to a great charter, the king broke his word and assembled an army of mercenaries on the southern coast of England with the intention of bringing the barons and the country back under his tyrannical rule. Beyond its path stands the mighty Rochester Castle, a place that would become a symbol of the Rebels momentous struggle for justice and freedom. Uploaded by: Otto May 13, 2022 at 03:45
Cast: Kate Mara as Lady Isabel Brian Cox as Baron William dAubigny Paul Giamatti as King John James Purefoy as Thomas Marshal
Year: 2011< br />Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 6.1 / 10