Movie: Kama Sutra A Tale of Love (1996)
Film Synopsis:
Tara and Maya are two inseparable friends in India. Their tastes, habits and hobbies are the same. Years later, the two have matured, but have maintained their friendship. Tara married a local prince, Raj Singh, who soon succeeded the throne as sole heir. After marriage, Raj gets bored with Tara and starts looking for another woman to fulfill his sexual needs. He notices Maya and is immediately attracted to her. He included her as one of his prostitutes, and was intimate with her. Watch what happens when Tara finds out and how far she will go to keep her marriage intact. Uploaded by: Freeman May 25, 2016 at 11:05 am
Cast: Indira Varma as Maya Sarita Choudhury as Tara, the Queen Naveen Andrews as Raj Singh Ramon Tikaram as Jai Kumar
Year: 1996
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.0 / 10