Movie: Killer Barbys (1996)
Film Synopsis:
While driving on a late night tour through a deserted road in the Spanish countryside, the van of punk band "Killer Barbys" crashes and is damaged. A creepy old man invites the group to spend the night at the castle of Countess von Fledermaus and presents himself as her secretary Arkan. Arkan explains that the mechanic is located 62 km away from the location and he says that the Countess loves young men. Flavia, Rafa and Mario accept the invitation but Billy and Sharon still make love in the van. When the musicians meet the Countess, they discover that she is the ancient artist Olga Luchan and they question how she can remain so young. But sooner they discovered that the countess needed the blood of young people to maintain her beauty. Uploaded by: Freeman March 21, 2023 at 08:09 pm
Year: 1996
Genre: Action/Horror
Rating: 3.7 / 10