Movie: Killing Kennedy (2013)
Film Synopsis:
Documentary drama based on Bill OReilly and Martin Dugards 2012 non-fiction book "Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot". It follows the parallel lives of John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald from the winter of 1959-1960 until the fatal days in Dallas in November 1963, when they both died within two days of each other and were buried on the same day - John F. Kennedy in a state funeral in Washington D.C., broadcast live to Europe and the Pacific, while Oswald was buried in a small funeral where journalists in attendance were asked to act as pallbearers. Uploaded by: Freeman January 11, 2016 at 04:18
Cast: Michelle Trachtenberg as Marina Oswald Ginnifer Goodwin as Jacqueline Kennedy Rob Lowe as John F. Kennedy Jamie McShane as Richard Snyder
Year: 2013
Genre: Action/Biography
Rating: 6.0 / 10