Movie: Limbo (2020)
Film Synopsis:
A Gypsy family travels the streets of France during the Second World War, followed by Little Claude, a boy looking for a new family after his parents "went away and never came back". After reaching the city where they traditionally stopped for several months and worked in the vineyards, they learned that new laws prohibited them from being nomads. Theodore, the towns mayor, and Miss Lundi, the schoolteacher, protect and help the gypsies. Despite this, they were arrested and placed in internment camps. Theodore managed to save them and gave them a property where they were to settle. But the Gypsys ingrained thirst for freedom makes this sedentary lifestyle difficult to bear. After Theodore and Miss Lundi are arrested for resistance, the gypsies decide they must move again to remain free. Uploaded by: Freeman June 29, 2021 at 12:01
Cast: Marie-Josee Croze as Mademoiselle Lundi
Year: 2009
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 7.2 / 10