Movie: My Brother the Devil (2012)
Film Synopsis:
Fourteen-year-old Mo is a lonely, sensitive boy whose hunger for harsh words and friends teasing makes him vulnerable to stepping on dangerous area. He idolizes his handsome older brother, Rashid, a charismatic and respected local gang member, whose drug dealing allows "rash" to provide for his family. Sick of being seen as a tough guy himself, Mo takes a job that unlocks a fateful turn of events and forces the brothers to confront their inner demons. Turns out hate is easy. It is love and understanding that requires real courage. Uploaded by: Freeman August 21, 2019 at 04:18
Cast: Elarica Gallacher as Vanessa Letitia Wright as Aisha Damson Idris as Pallbearer Nasser Memarzia as Abdul-Aziz
Year: 2012
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.5 / 10