Movie: Neath the Arizona Skies (1934)
Film Synopsis:
Chris Morrell, the half-Indian girl Ninas caretaker, helps her find her missing white father. So he can cash in on his late mothers oil leases. Outlaw Sam Black also goes after the girl and her father. In addition to dealing with the black gang, Morrell had to find another robber, Jim Moore, who changed clothes with him after he found Chris unconscious from a fight with Sam Black. Along the way, he meets a woman who is Jim Moores sister, another evil hombre who was in Cahoots with Jim Moore, and an old friend who takes in Nina and helps Chris find Ninas father and fight various despairs posted by: Freeman October 10, 2020 at 10:01
Cast: John Wayne as Chris Morrell George Gabby Hayes as Matt Downing
Year: 1934
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating : 5.0 / 10