Movie: Numb (2007)
Film Synopsis:
Hudson Milbank is a successful Hollywood screenwriter who suddenly and strangely finds himself emotionally devoid of feelings. He tried doctor after doctor and shrink after shrink, but nothing worked. Golf channels, lesbian exercise classes and a dizzying array of pills get her through the day, but dont quite solve her problems. His co-writers tried everything to get him back to normal, but it wasnt until Hudson met Sara that he found real motivation to get better and actually start feeling again. From writer Deuce Bigalow comes Numb, a romantic comedy that follows an unconventional man searching for strange love. Uploaded by: Freeman December 22, 2020 at 07:39
Cast: Mary Steenburgen as Dr. Blaine Lynn Collins as Sara Harrison Matthew Perry as Hudson Milbank Keegan Connor Tracy as Mt. Sinai Nurse
Year: 2007
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.6 / 10