Movie: Plunkett and Macleane (1999)
Film Synopsis:
Will Plunkett and Captain James Macleane, two men from different ends of the social spectrum in 18th century England, enter a gentlemans pact: they decide to get rid of the nobility their stuff. With Plunketts criminal knowledge and Macleanes social connections, they working together soon became known as "The Gentlemen Highwaymen". But when one day these men take hold of Lord Chief Justice Gibsons trainer, Macleane immediately falls in love with his beautiful and cunning niece, Lady Rebecca Gibson. Unfortunately, Thief Taker General Chance, who also quite likes Rebecca, is getting closer and closer to getting both of them. Uploaded by: Freeman July 23, 2018 at 01:47 pm
Cast: Michael Gambon as Lord Gibson Liv Tyler as Lady Rebecca Gibson Jonny Lee Miller as Macleane Robert Carlyle as Plunkett
Year: 1999< br />Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 6.3 / 10