Movie: Pups Alone (2021)
Film Synopsis:
After accepting an exciting new job opportunity at a cutting-edge pet discovery company, Robert, his teenage daughter Jenna and his trusty border and special Collie they Charlie moves to a new neighborhood, just before Christmas. Upon arriving, Robert meets his beautiful next door neighbor, Holly, and her sassy and cheerful Border Collie Gidget. Before sparks can fly, they set on Robert Mys sleek and obnoxious neighbor and project manager Victor, his neighborhood bulldog "Vinnie P" and his sycophantic Chihuahua best friend "Jose". Uploaded by: Freeman November 02, 2021 at 06:27 PM
Cast: Jennifer Love Hewitt as Gidget Keith David as The Wise Bartender Eric Roberts as CEO Bill Jerry OConnell as Charlie
Year: 2021< br />Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 3.4 / 10