Komunitas Film Join
Movie: Saturn 3 (1980)
Film Synopsis:
In the future, Earth is overcrowded and the population relies on distant bases to feed. At the Saturn 3 station, Major Adam and scientist Alex, who is also his girlfriend and has never been on Earth, have been researching hydroponics for three years on the base alone with their dog Sally. Captain Benson arrives on Saturn 3 with Hector, unable to control his emotions, he transfers his homicidal tendencies and madness to Hector. Now Major Adam and Alex are trapped at the station with dangerous psychopathic robots. Uploaded by: Otto July 25, 2014 at 10:39 am
Cast: Farrah Fawcett as Alex Harvey Keitel as Benson Ed Bishop as Harding Kirk Douglas as Adam
Year: 1980
Genre : Action/Adventure
Rating: 5.1 / 10
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