Movie: Sketchy Behaviour (2019)
Film Synopsis:
Sketchy Behavior is a nonsensical sketch comedy show filmed live in front of a largely captive audience in Mumbai. Described as funny, complex, stupid, annoying (and sardonic by a woman in Goa) the show weaves in and out of the familiar and the strange with equal comfort. A torrent of jokes, characters, and knee-slapping self-aware comedy that manages to use up the entire budget available to spend on the show. Featuring six wonderfully silly vignettes, stitched together by a much sillier story about the nature of art itself and bookended by a wonderfully silly and unnecessary opening and closing, cryptic behavior is truly something of a masterpiece. Uploaded by: Freeman May 06, 2021 at 12:58
Year: 2019
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 7.4 / 10