Movie: Snowmageddon (2011)
Film Synopsis:
A seemingly disrespectful snowball unleashes a devastating winter storm on a peaceful mountainside community, propelling one family on a race to save their town from certain destruction . As night falls on Christmas Eve, the Miller family finds a gift-wrapped snow globe outside their door. Inside is a replica of their city - down to the smallest detail. But this isnt your typical holiday decoration, because every time a shaken, empty snowstorm blows through town. Then, when the worlds switches plunge the city into total chaos, Miller must find a way to stop the destruction once and for all. Uploaded by: Freeman May 22, 2016 at 02:53 am
Cast: Laura Harris as Beth Miller David Cubitt as John Miller Magda Apanowicz as Jennifer Miller Leanne Lapp as Mary
Year: 2011
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 3.8 / 10