Movie: Steel and Lace (1990)
Film Synopsis:
Daniel Emerson is acquitted of raping classical pianist Gaily Morton, and part of the blame for the acquittal lies with the testimony of Daniels friends Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig , all of which helps Daniel Rape Range. Still devastated by the rape and unable to deal with the acquittal, he gleefully commits suicide by jumping from the top of the courthouse as soon as the trial ends, much to the horror of his brother Albert, who is a scientist. Five years later, Daniel has made Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig partners in his business, which forces homeowners and their homes off the street to make way for larger developments. In the present, after five years of working with Gailys body, Albert has gleefully transformed into a cyborg programmed to exact bloody revenge on Daniel, Norman, Oscar, Toby, and Craig. Uploaded by: Freeman January 12, 2022 at 10:48 am
Cast: Stacy Haiduk as Alison Bruce Davison as Albert Morton David Naughton as Dunn Brian Backer as Norman
Year: 1990
Genre: Action/Horror
Rating: 5.2 / 10