Movie: The Basket (1999)
Film Synopsis:
Peter Coyote (E.T., Erin Brokovich) and Karen Allen (perfect storm) star in this touching family drama about the unifying power of basketball in a disparate community divided by war. Both a riveting sports film and a tale of triumph over adversity, this basket is a "hoop dream movie with a lot of heart" (Dallas Morning News)! In 1918, when the residents of the grain-crashing town of Waterville, Washington, welcome home their first wounded son from World War I, they are constrained by the harsh realities of war. And just as bigotry and hatred for two German orphans divides the close-knit community, a new schoolteacher, Martin (Coyote), rolls into town with some strange ideas and even stranger leather balls. Through a new game called Basketball, Martin Strivesto brings harmony to the city... Before tearing itself apart! Uploaded by: Freeman December 04, 2020 at 12:47 am
Cast: Karen Allen as Bessie Emery Ellen Travolta as Agnes Eric Dane as Tom Emery Jack Bannon as Marcus
Year: 1999
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.5 / 10