Komunitas Film Join
Movie: The Butler (2013)
Film Synopsis:
In 1931, the Bondurant Brothers of Franklin County, Virginia, run a multi-purpose backwoods company that hides their true business - bootlegging. Middle Brother Forrest is the brains of the operation; The older Howard is Brawn, and the younger Jack, the scout. Although the local police have taken bribes and left the brothers alone, a violent war erupts when a sadistic lawyer from Chicago arrives and tries to shut down the Bondurants operation. Uploaded by: Otto November 15, 2012 at 12:52
Cast: Tom Hardy as Forrest Bondurant Jessica Chastain as Maggie Beauford Gary Oldman as Floyd Banner Guy Pearce as Charlie Rakes
Year: 2012
Genre: Action/Biography
Rating: 7.2 / 10
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