Movie: The Club (2015)
Film Synopsis:
In a remote valley in Iceland, Gummi and Kiddi live side by side, tending to their sheep. Their ancestral sheep stock was considered one of the best in the country and the two brothers repeatedly provided for their rams carrying ancient bloodlines. Even though they share land and a way of life, Gummi and Kiddi have not spoken to each other in four decades. When a deadly disease suddenly infects Kiddis sheep, the entire valley is under threat. The authorities decided to destroy all animals in the area to contain the outbreak. But Gummi and Kiddi dont give up so easily - and each brother tries to prevent disaster with his own fashion: Kiddi by using a gun and Gummi by using his wits. Uploaded by: Freeman December 21, 2019 at 02:26 pm
Year: 2015
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 7.2 / 10