Movie: The Deadly Affair (1967)
Film Synopsis:
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennans wife, Elsa, a survivor of Nazi Germanys extermination camps, may have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retired inspector, Mendel, to secretly carry out inquiries. Dobbs is by no means certain because there are a number of unexplained anomalies. Dobbs also experienced problems at home with his wife, whom he loved dearly, having frequent affairs. He was also happy to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, whom he had recruited after the war. With the help of a colleague and a retired police officer, Dobbs tries to piece together who the mole was and who really killed Fennan. Uploaded by: Freeman September 10, 2017 at 11:03 am
Cast: David Warner as Edward II James Mason as Charles Dobbs Frank Williams as Witch #2 Maximilian Schell as Dieter Frey
Year: 1967
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.7 / 10