Movie: The Edge (2010)
Film Synopsis:
The action takes place shortly after the end of the Second World War in the interior of Siberia, between Russia and Germany with stories of broken personalities and strange transformations: the victors seem to crawl into the skin of the defeated, and vice versa. Ignat, is the embodiment of the larger Soviet image of the victorious soldier who, in fact, is shown to be shell-shocked, sick and damaged, though not completely destroyed. Trains became a fetish for film heroes, and speed became a mania; They almost became one with their steam engines, while the machines took human names. The heroes form a near-fatal race in the Siberian forests, risking their own lives and those of others. Uploaded by: Freeman September 21, 2023 at 04:02 PM
Cast: Vladimir Mashkov as Ignat
Year: 2010
Genre: Adventure/Drama
Rating: 6.5 / 10