Komunitas Film Join

Movie: The End of Violence (1997)
Film Synopsis:
Mike Max is a Hollywood producer who became powerful and rich thanks to brutal and bloody action films. His neglected wife Paige almost left him. Mike is suddenly kidnapped by two bandits, but escapes and hides with a Mexican gardeners family for a while. At the same time, surveillance expert Ray Bering is looking for whats going on in the city, but its unclear what he wants. The police investigation into Maxs disappearance is led by Detective Doc Block, who falls in love with actress Cat who plays in the ongoing production of Max. Uploaded by: Otto July 04, 2022 at 06:52 am
Cast: Bill Pullman as Mike Max Nicole Ari Parker as Ade Andie MacDowell as Paige Udo Kier as Zoltan Kovacs
Year: 1997
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 5.6 / 10
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