Movie: The Garage (2022)
Film Synopsis:
Two brothers Y?lmaz and Mujdat, who have grown up in an orphanage, inherit a car repair shop from Nuri and ?smet who are like fathers to them. One night they took an angry mans car several streets away. In the middle of the night, when they were hot in the car, the old mans heart couldnt take it. Thus, their short journey now took them somewhere unknown. One thing led to another, now Y?lmaz and Mujdat had to put the old mans corpse into a thinner solvent tank. The duo continued to paint the cars in their shop but they realized that the thinner they took from the tank with the corpse gave amazing results. That "few streets away" now leads to something very strange. Uploaded by: Freeman April 14, 2023 at 03:08 PM
Cast: Nejat Isler as Yilmaz Erkan Kolcak Kostendil as Idris Merve Dizdar as Aynur
Year: 2022
Genre: Comedy/
Rating: 5.6 / 10