Movie: The Horsemen (1971)
Film Synopsis:
In the poor, remote northern province of the mountainous feudal Sunni kingdom of Afghanistan (before the Soviet-engineered Republican revolution), the status of a proud people and clan they were determined less by wealth or even military might (both rare) then by victory In The Ancient, although the Game of Buskashi, a form of Polo faithful since Genghis Khan, in which Chapendaz (participating horsemen) used their horses whips on both mountains and rivals in a cruel fight for a heavy ball, a, a dead calf, which must be carried far, almost impossible with all the others mercilessly attacking. Tursen, a former champion, now holds renowned village status thanks to his position as keeper of Lord Osman Beys stable, and has finally bred a horse without equal, the white stallion Jahil, in time for the royal tournament on the Bagrami Plain, just outside the capital Kabul.. . Uploaded by: Freeman February 15, 2023 at 08:05
Cast: Jack Palance as Tursen Omar Sharif as Uraz Leigh Taylor-Young as Zareh Tom Tryon as (uncredited)
Year: 1971< br />Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 6.2 / 10