Movie: The Limit Of (2018)
Film Synopsis:
James Allen "Laurence OFuarain" is a successful, controlling, thirtysomething banker living alone and working in Dublin City at the tail end of a recession. When a family tragedy occurs at the hands of her employer, she decides to take action that forces her to confront a terrible childhood secret. Meanwhile, her mysterious co-worker Alison "Ifta - Nomination - Sarah Carroll" has her own agenda, which sets her on a collision course with James, setting off a dark spiral of deceit, revenge and murder. Director Alan Mulligans first feature is a deliberate, slow-paced look at modern greed and desire, and societys ever-growing need for control. Uploaded by: Freeman July 04, 2022 at 12:08
Cast: Sarah Carroll as Alison Murphy Laurence OFuarain as James Allen
Year: 2018
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 5.4 / 10