Movie: The Lodgers (2017)
Film Synopsis:
1920, rural Ireland. Anglo-Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their familys crumbling estate. Every night, the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence (the innkeepers) who enforce three rules over the twins: they must be in bed by midnight; They may not allow outsiders to cross the threshold; And if someone tries to escape, the lives of others are placed in danger. When troubled war veteran Sean returns to the nearby village, he is immediately attracted to the mysterious Rachel, who in turn begins to break the rules set by the lodgers. The consequences draw Rachel into a deadly confrontation with her siblings - and with the curse that haunts them. Uploaded by: Freeman June 23, 2018 at 05:05 am
Cast: David Bradley as Bermingham Charlotte Vega as Rachel Carolyn Bracken as Lodger Bill Milner as Edward
Year: 2017
Genre : Action/Drama
Rating: 5.1 / 10