Movie: The Merry Widow (2007)
Film Synopsis:
Anne-Marie lives an easy life with Gilbert, a rich plastic surgeon: beautiful house, doggy, cleaning lady, expensive furniture, lots. It was actually not so easy when he thought twice about it. She no longer associates with her husband. He felt nervous and he didnt pull it anymore. She felt good only when she was running on the beach and... when she was in the arms of her lover, Leo. One day, Gilbert was killed in a car accident. Good news, because she will be able to live with Leo. The problem is that his well-meaning family settled in his villa with the aim of supporting the "poor widow" morally. Anne-Marie couldnt admit that she wasnt depressed at all, especially for her son Christophe. He is now even more of a prisoner than when Gilbert was alive... uploaded by: Freeman September 18, 2022 at 03:00 am
Year: 2007
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Rating: 5.4 / 10