Komunitas Film Join

Movie: The Other Lamb (2019)
Film Synopsis:
Throughout her life, the cult she was born into was all the teenagers Selah knew. Along with a group of equally reclusive young women, he lives seemingly unstuck in time, cut off from modern society in a remote forest commune led by a man named Shepherd, a controlling, Messiah-like figure with a terrifying dark side. But when her insular world is rocked by a series of nightmare visions and disturbing revelations, Selah begins to question everything about her existence � including her loyalty to an increasingly dangerous shepherd. Uploaded by: Freeman July 17, 2020 at 08:15 am
Cast: Denise Gough as Sarah Michiel Huisman as Shepherd Raffey Cassidy as Selah Ailbhe Cowley as Tamar
Year: 2019
Genre : Action/Drama
Rating: 5.3 / 10
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